BoxTop Software Products
The BoxTop Super Bundle packages all BoxTop's great Web Graphics Tools together for the more than half price savings of only $134.95. This is a great deal. Even if you've already purchased one or two of our tools individually it can save you money, with the deep $164.30 discount off individual purchase prices. Save bytes, save time, and save money with these indispensable tools - buy the Super Bundle.
Adobe Photoshop Web Graphics Plugins

ProJPEG is an Adobe Photoshop file format plugin that has been the ultimate JPEG tool for Web graphics professionals for over five years, providing ease, power, control, superior image quality, and the most file size savings to improve the speed and effectiveness of Web sites.
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PhotoGIF is an Adobe Photoshop filter plugin that was the original professional Web Graphics tool that started it all. PhotoGIF now has support for resizeable dialogs with live previews and file size feedback that give you a precise display of the effects of format options on the resulting file. Provides advanced transparency features, comments support, more flexible color reduction, and superior compression for creating GIF images with Photoshop.
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ImageVice is an Adobe Photoshop filter plugin providing a new, intelligent color reduction technology that enables common multimedia format files, such as GIF, PICT, BMP, and PNG, to be made up to 70% smaller than previously possible. It is also the tool for anyone that likes to tweak, and is geared to high-end users. ImageVice is Travis' favorite tool for Web graphics.
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ColorSafe is an Adobe Photoshop filter plugin providing fully interactive color pickers for the easy creation of almost limitless "hybrid" colors from the 216 colors in the Web safe palette. A hybrid color is formed by combining four pixels of two different colors from the Web safe palette together in an exact ordered pattern to create a third visually distinct color.
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WebClipper is an Adobe Photoshop filter plugin that corrects the color shifts from Web safe colors that routinely occur during color reduction to adaptive palettes. Web Clipper allows you to easily create hybrid images containing both custom colors and select colors from the Web safe palette.
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PhotoHTML is an Adobe Photoshop filter plugin that began life as the annual April Fools joke between BoxTop and TidBITs in 1998. It has a few, but not many legitimate uses. It's greatest value is as an automatic color code generator for table background and other HTML colors. We used it ourselves for the resizable banner image trick on our site. The image is not quite all image. The middle part is a table generated by PhotoHTML.
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Stand Alone Web Graphics Applications

GIFmation is a highly intuitive and powerful GIF animation application with a very extensive feature set providing the ability to easily create sophisticated and highly optimized GIF animations for your web pages.
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SuperGIF is an automated GIF image and GIF animation optimization tool. It holds the record for GIF animation optimization and is the only tool of its kind to automatically optimize GIF images losslessly. SuperGIF savings can exceed 70% with just a Drag & Drop
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Macintosh Utility Applications

GIF Prep is a glorified Macintosh resource fork stripper written purely to address the single most common question people email to ask. "Why's the file size different..." It strips resource forks from files so on GIF (and JPEG) files the Finder will report the pertinent file size. Supports MacOS X and classic MacOS
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